Work in progress/under review
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman (in revision). Rules rule in Dutch L1 ordinal comprehension and production. Contact me for a copy of the revised manuscript.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. 2020. Many systems, one strategy: acquiring ordinals in Dutch and English. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 100. 1–31. DOI:
De Vries, Heleen, Caitlin Meyer & Alla Peeters-Podgaevskaja. (2020) Learning strategies in Russian ordinal acquisition. First Language.
Meyer, Caitlin (2019). Rule and Order. Acquiring ordinals in Dutch and English. PhD Dissertation, University of Amsterdam. Utrecht: LOT Dissertations, 530. 197p. Open Access. ISBN: 978-94-6093-315-8
Nominated for AVT/Anéla Dissertation Award 2019!
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman (2017). Ordinals are not as easy as one, two, three: the acquisition of cardinals and ordinals in Dutch. Language Acquisition. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2017.1391266
Wolterbeek, Joris, Lisa van Dijke, Lotte Hogeweg & Caitlin Meyer (2017). Learning to suspend implicated contrast: the acquisition of ook in Dutch. In: Lestrade, Sander & Bert Le Bruyn (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2017 [AVT 34]. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman (2016). Order and ordinality: the acquisition of cardinals and ordinals in Dutch. BUCLD 40: Proceedings of the 40th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman (2016). Cracking the cluster: the acquisition of verb raising in Dutch. Nederlandse Taalkunde 21(2), 181-212.