Accepted conferences talks listed below. Click to see invited presentations or see Outreach and Media for public appearances.
Meyer, Caitlin. “Count language in: how linguistic knowledge shapes numerical development.” Linguistics Prague, Charles University, Prague, June 22-24, 2023.
De Vries, Heleen, Caitlin Meyer & Alla Peeters-Podgaevskaja. “Taal en telvaardigheid: de rol van statistisch leren bij de verwerving van telwoorden.” Anéla Studiedag. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, March 25, 2022. Poster (click to download).
De Vries, Heleen, Caitlin Meyer & Alla Peeters-Podgaevskaja. “Learning strategies in Russian ordinal acquisition.” Grote Taaldag. Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, January 31, 2020. Non-refereed.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Two systems, one strategy: acquiring ordinals in Dutch and English.” Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 2017, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, September 7–9, 2017.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Ordinal variables: acquiring ordinal numerals in Dutch and English.” The 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM11), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, June 22–25, 2017. Poster.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Can kids order a sandwich? On (the acquisition of) ordinals in West Germanic. A Germanic Sandwich 2017, Munster, March 16-18, 2017.
Wolterbeek, Joris, Lisa van Dijke, Lotte Hogeweg & Caitlin Meyer. “Learning to suspend implicated contrast: the acquisition of ook ‘also’.”TiN-dag 2017, Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 4, 2017. Non-refereed.
Meyer, Caitlin. “Ordinal acquisition: the state of the obvious.” TiN-dag 2017, Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 4, 2017. Non-refereed.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “The rule-based acquisition of ordinals: evidence from Dutch and English.” LSA 2017 Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, January 5–8, 2017. Poster.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Transparency matters: the acquisition of synthetic and analytic ordinals in Dutch.” The 40th Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC40), University of Pennsylvania, PA, March 18–20, 2016.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Acquiring cardinals and ordinals in Dutch: ordinal concepts and linguistic knowledge.” 11th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication – Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches. University of Latvia, Riga, December 10–11, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Order and ordinality: the acquisition of cardinals and ordinals in Dutch.” Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 40, Boston University, Boston, MA, November 13–15, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Getting your ducks in a row: acquiring ordinals and ordinality.” Workshop on Linguistic and Cognitive Aspects of Quantification (LCQ), Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, October 16–17, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sjef Barbiers & Fred Weerman. “Getting your ducks in a row: the acquisition of cardinals and ordinals in Dutch.” Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 2015, Université de Nantes, Nantes, September 10–12, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin, Doatske De Haan, Martina Faber & Fred Weerman. “Embracing ascending orders: verb clusters in bilingual acquisition.” Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 2015, Université de Nantes, Nantes, September 10–12, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin. “Acquiring cardinals, ordinals and superlatives (but not in that order).” The Societas Linguistica Europaea 48th Annual Meeting (SLE 2015), Leiden University Center for Linguistics, Leiden, September 2–5, 2015.
Barbiers, Sjef & Caitlin Meyer. “English and Dutch ONEs.” The Societas Linguistica Europaea 48th Annual Meeting (SLE 2015), Leiden University Center for Linguistics, Leiden, September 2–5, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Variation and change in verb clusters: evidence from acquisition.” 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL-22). University of Naples, Naples, Italy, July 27–August 1, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Variation and change in verb clusters: evidence from acquisition.” Verb Cluster Workshop. University of Amsterdam/Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, May 28–29, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Language acquisition and language change: the case of verb clusters.” A Germanic Sandwich 2015, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, April 24–25, 2015.
Meyer, Caitlin. “Easy as first, second, fourth: the acquisition of Dutch (cardinals and) ordinals.” TIN-dag 2015, Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 7, 2015. Non-refereed.
De Haan, Doatske, Martina Faber, Caitlin Meyer & Fred Weerman. “Acquiring verb clusters in a bilingual setting: the case of Frisian and Dutch.” The 20th Frisian Philologists’ Conference 2014, The Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, 10-12 December, 2014.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Cracking the cluster: the acquisition of verb clusters in Dutch.” The 20th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-20), Purdue University, West-Lafayette, IN, May 2–3, 2014.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Cracking the cluster: the acquisition of verb clusters in Dutch.” TIN-dag 2014, Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 1, 2014. Non-refereed.
Meyer, Caitlin, Sabine van Reijen & Fred Weerman. “Easy as 1-2-(3)? Acquiring verb clusters in Dutch.” Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 2013. Oldenburg, September 5–7, 2013.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “Raising red flags: acquiring verb clusters in Dutch.” TIN-dag 2013, Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 9, 2013. Non-refereed.
Meyer, Caitlin & Fred Weerman. “The Acquisition of ‘Red’ and ‘Green’ Word Order.” A Germanic Sandwich 2013, KU Leuven, Leuven, January 11–12, 2013.