Courses Taught

This academic year

Knowledge Application

Intensive (full-time) second-year course for students in the BSc Cognition, Language and Communication. Students use Design Thinking to solve real-world problems for external companies and organizations. 6 EC, Semester 2, 4 weeks. Scheduled for 2023.

Introduction to Linguistics

First-year course for students in the undergraduate programs Linguistics and Cognition, Language and Communication. Weekly seminar, two groups. Also taught plenary lecture on language acquisition. 6 EC, Semester 1, 8 weeks. Taught in 2017–2022.

Stemmen van de Stad 1

1st year interdisciplinary course in BA Dutch Language & Culture. Lectures & seminars on language acquisition, variation and change. Taught in 2020–2022


Onderzoekswerkgroep Taalkunde (Linguistics Research Group)

Undergraduate thesis/capstone course in the B.A. Dutch Language & Culture. Research topics cover breadth of the Dutch linguistics track. Theses co-supervised in this program: 47. 12 EC, Semester 2, 12 weeks. Taught in 2013–2016; 2019-2022 (8x).


Second-year course for students in the undergraduate program Dutch Language & Culture. Students carry out a project for external organizations. June 2022.

Stemmen van de Stad 2

1st year interdisciplinary course in BA Dutch Language & Culture. Academic writing & research. Taught in 2021, 2022.

Early vs Late Acquisition

Graduate seminar in multiple master’s programs on age effects in acquisition. Taught in 18-19.


Survey course on linguistics for students in the Cognition track at Amsterdam University College. Students receive a broad introduction in both theoretical and empirical work, and carry out a small research project themselves. Seminars twice a week. 6 EC, Semester 2, 16 weeks. Taught in 2018, 2019 and scheduled for 2020.

Inleiding Algemene Taalwetenschap & Nederlandse Taalkunde (in artikelen)

First-year survey course in general and Dutch linguistics. Students are introduced to the breadth and depth of the field by means of weekly guest lectures, an introductory textbook on general linguistics and a selection of articles focusing on Dutch. Weekly lectures, seminars twice a week. I was course coordinator (which included scheduling the guest speakers) and lecturer. 12 EC, Semester 2, 16 weeks. Taught in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Zins- en Taalanalyse (Sentence and Language Analysis)/Argumentatie- en Zinsanalyse (Argumentation and Sentance Analysis)

First-year survey course in general and Dutch linguistics. I taught the weekly seminars Taalanalyse for students in the BA Taal & Communicatie and gave some lectures in and coordinated Zinsanalyse, 6 EC, Semester 1, 8 weeks. 2018, 2019.

Taalontwikkeling (Language Development)

Obligatory second-year course in the BA Dutch Language and Culture. Students learn how to analyze and investigate properties of Dutch by studying language acquisition, variation and change. They also carry out a small research project. Co-taught course; course coordinator in 2016–2018. 12 EC, Semester 1, 12 weeks. Taught from 2013–2019 (6 years).

This course received the Onderwijsprijs 2016! The Onderwijsprijs is an annual award for best undergraduate course offered by the College of Humanities.

First Language Acquisition

Second-year course in the BA Linguistics. Students discuss studies and theories in the field of First Language Acquisition, and are familiarized with ways to investigate questions in this domain themselves. Two seminars a week. I held two sections. (Lectures taught by Jeannette Schaeffer & Mirjam de Jonge). 6EC, Semester 1, Block 1, 8 weeks. 2018

Instructor, Dutch and Academic Writing:

Zakelijk Schrijven, Taal op Maat, Zicht op Taal, Talentweek, Spoedcursus Nederlands, Werkwoordspelling, Privétrajecten
The Hague University of Applied Sciences, via Mens & Team
These courses were geared at improving students’ language skills: five focus on academic/formal writing, one on verb spelling. The “privétrajecten” were private Dutch as a second language lessons focusing on individual needs of employees.